पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री एवं नेकपा (एकीकृत समाजवादी) का नेता झलनाथ खनाल चीन प्रस्थान गरेका छन् । चीनको बेइजिङमा आयोजना हुने तेस्रो बेल्ट एण्ड रोड फोरम (बीआरएफ) मा सहभागी हुन उनी आइतबार राति चीन प्रस्थान गरेको नेकपा एकीकृत समाजवादीका केन्द्रीय विदेश विभाग सचिव डा शङ्कर खतिवडाले जानकारी दिए । खतिवडाका अनुसार पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री खनालले अक्टोबर १८ मा आयोजना हुने...
Category: Geopolitics
माधव नेपाल १५ सदस्यीय टोलीसहित मंगलबार चीन जाने
नेकपा एकीकृत समाजवादीका अध्यक्ष तथा पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री माधवकुमार नेपाल मंगलबार चीन जाने भएका छन् । चिनियाँ कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी (सीपीसी) को निमन्त्रणामा दक्षिण एसियाली राजनीतिक दलहरूसँग हुन लागेको कार्यक्रममा भाग लिन अध्यक्ष नेपाल चीन जाने भएका हुन् । अध्यक्ष नेपालले यस विषयमा सोमबार पार्टी कार्यालयमा बसेको सचिवालय बैठकमा यस विषयमा जानकारी गराएका छन् । अध्यक्ष नेपालसँगै पार्टी...
चीनसँग नजिक भयो भने सबै मिलेर अठ्याउँछन् : ओली
नेकपा एमालेका अध्यक्ष केपी शर्मा ओलीले चीनसँग नजिक भएमा सबै मिलेर सरकारबाटै अप्ठ्यारो पार्ने प्रवृत्ति नेपालमा रहेको बताएका छन् । पुष्पलाल मध्यपहाडी लोकमार्ग केन्द्रित झुलाघाट–चिवाभञ्ज्याङसम्मको संकल्प यात्राको क्रममा गोरखा आइपुगेका उनले शनिबार जिल्लाका सरोकारवालासँग अन्तर्क्रिया गर्दै सो कुरा बताएका हुन् । ‘उत्तरसँग नजिक भएर विकासका काम अघि बढायो भने, नेपालमा कहिलै नाकाबन्दी नहुने गरी चीनसँग...
ग्वान्दोङ प्रान्तको संस्कृति विभागको टोली लुम्बिनीमा
चीनको ग्वान्दोङ प्रान्तका संस्कृति विभागका अध्यक्ष वाङ रुइजिङ नेतृत्वमा एक टोली मैत्रीपूर्ण भ्रमणका लागि लुम्बिनी आएको छ । बुद्ध जन्मस्थल लुम्बिनी भ्रमण सहित नेपाल र चीनबीचको संस्कृति आदान प्रदान र लुम्बिनीमा विपन्न समुदायलाई खाद्यान्न वितरणका लागि ११ सदस्यीय टोली भैरहवा विमानस्थल हुँदै लुम्बिनी आएको हो । चिनियाँ टोलीलाई नेपाल–चीन मैत्री समाज लुम्बिनीले विमानस्थलमा स्वागत गरेको...
Himalaya Airlines starts flight to Quingdao, China
The Himalaya Airlines has started flights to Qingdao from today. The Airlines started chartered flights to the touristic city in connection with expanding its destinations in China. Airlines vice-president Bijaya Shrestha said they have started direct flights to this Chinese city with the objective of promoting tourism between Nepal and China. According to him, the...
Prime Minister Dahal pledges to protect Chinese investors and entrepreneurs
The Nepal-China Business Summit jointly organised by the Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNC- CI) and China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) in Beijing today, amid Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal’s visit to the northern neighbour saw officials and representatives from both the public and private sectors express commitment to...
DPM Shrestha receives earthquake emergency assistance from China
Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha received earthquake relief materials dispatched by the Chinese government today. Chinese Ambassador to Nepal, Chen Song, handed over the emergency supplies from our northern neighbor to the Deputy Prime Minister during a ceremony at Pokhara Regional International Airport. The relief materials include blankets, tarpaulins, and more....
Lawmakers call for cautioning Chinese envoy over his controversial remarks
Several members of Parliament have asked the government to caution—and seek clarification from—Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Chen Song over his ‘undiplomatic’ remarks on Nepal’s energy trading with India and the state of the Indian economy. On Saturday, speaking at a discussion titled ‘China in global economy and its impact in Nepal’, Chen spoke at length about Nepal’s...
Cross-party parliamentary delegation off to China
A cross-party delegation of the federal parliament left for Beijing on Sunday on a 10-day visit to China. The 20-member team, led by CPN (Maoist Centre) Chief Whip Hitraj Pandey and including 17 parliament members from various political parties and three officials of the Parliament Secretariat, left for Beijing, said a statement issued by the...
Dahal in China
That Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal will claim to have taken Nepal-China relations to newer heights upon his arrival at the Tribhuvan International Airport is a ritual all too familiar to Nepalis. The 13-point joint statement released Wednesday, before Dahal left for Tibet en route to Nepal, is diplomatic sweet talk for the most part....